Maly duzy chemik


Finally it hit me ;-), i bought tools and chemicals to develop films on my own,
it seems much cheaper than handing out films to various shops, and i won’t have to wait 4 days + go there twice anymore,
at home it takes about 30 minutes per 1-2 films and few hours of drying so it’s much much faster, more fun and more control over the results.

Img 2723

First few photos below (random subject, shooting just to have sample films for testing):


[pl]Dopadlo mnie, kupilem sobie sprzet i chemie do samodzielnego wywolywania filmow,
wychodzi duzo daniej niz gdybym je oddawal do punktu, a dodatkowo nie musze czekac 4 dni i isc tam 2 razy,
w domu zajmuje mi to okolo 30 min na 1-2 klisze + schniecie kilka godzin wiec jest duzo duzo szybciej.

Img 2723

Pierwsze fotki ponizej (pstrykalem cokolwiek popadlo zeby miec klisze do testow):







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