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iPod Camera Connector


Kupilem sobie takie cos:

Ipod Camera Connector
Sluzy do podlaczania aparatu cyfrowego do iPoda.

Z canonem dziala swietnie, ale zastosowan jest troche wiecej.

Spokojnie mozna w to wpiac pendrive USB (moj stary Kingston Data Traveller 256MB dziala),

wpialem tez dysk 80GB w obudowie USB (ICY BOX USB + FireWire), oczywiscie z dodatkowym pradem z laptopa.

wszystkie te urzadzenia sa bez problemu obslugiwane.

Niestety nie jest obslugiwane najciekawsze – czytnik kart pamieci (HAMA 35 in 1) – ale jest szansa ze jeszcze zadziala.

Podobno urzadzenie powinno miec wlasne zasilanie (aparat przeciez ma swoje baterie, pendrive duzo nie wymaga, dysk mial wlasne i dziala).

Sprobuje z jakims hubem usb ktory ma wlasny prad i zobaczymy co wyjdzie.



I bought myself this thing:

Ipod Camera Connector
It is for an iPod allowing it to connect digital camera over USB.
Works fine with my canon, but of course i want to try more.
My old Pendrive Kingston Data Traveller 256MB (year 2004) works directly.

I also tried a Western Digital 80GB 2.5 inch harddrive in an USB enclosure (ICY BOX USB + FireWire), it works with additional external USB power.

Unfortunately my HAMA 35 in 1 media reader is not supported, i  assume that it needs more power from the usb port. (camera has its own battery, pendrive does not require too much, hard drive also has its own power supply).

I need to give it a try with USB hub that has external power supply.