If you ever wondered whether to wear face mask during bicycle rides, here is the answer,
on the left – brand new filter, on the right, filter used for some 150 hours (as suggested by manufacturer) in Tokyo.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Od zera do stanu obecnego – JEDEN tydzien, strach pomyslec co bedzie tydzien pozniej.
Little break
I guess everyone has noticed little stagnation here.
I’m just taking some break from the life, not taking many photos, not doing much, enjoying beautiful snow on weekends (snowboarding), resting, letting my friends have some rest from myself, focusing on my work duties etc.
Also, recent events significantly slowed down my life and made me rethink some stuff, take a breather etc…
There are some good news to share though, coming to the greater public in near future :-)
Back to Reality
Krotkie wakacje dobiegly konca, dzis juz jestem w pracy.
Udalo sie wyrwac na 5 dni na Okinawe czyli niejaponska czesc japonii:
- tropikalny klimat
- palmy, drzewka bananowe, ananasy, shikuwasa (lokalna odmiana limonki – bardzo dobra)
- 32 stopnie we wrzesniu
- bardzo ladna pogoda (czasem leje ale jak to w tropikach, nagle i krotko – szczegolnie ze teraz jest sezon na tajfuny)
- mleczko z kokosa prosto spod maczety
- przejrzysta (i slona) woda
- ludzie calkiem inni, przyjazni i bardziej otwarci (nawet wygladaja minimalnie inaczej)
- nie widac salarymanow (nie zebym ich szukal)…
- oldspice (w japonii NIE MA dezodorantow w sztyfcie, znalazlem niedawno 1 rodzaj w costco ale sie nie nadaje, na okinawie bez problemow kupilem old spice)
- zielen (glownie trzcina cukrowa)
- przestrzen na ladzie, a jak zabranknie to ocean jest wszedzie dokola
Co jest najciekawsze, z uwagi na ogromna ilosc amerykanskich zolnierzy, domyslnie kazdy obcokrajowiec jest amerykaninem (i nikt nawet nie pyta skad jestes bo przeciez wiadomo…) , jak zagadalismy jednego czlowiekra grajacego na ich odmianie shamisena, zapytal skad jestem, potem przyznal ze od razu wiedzial ze nie jestem amerykaninem bo wygladam inteligentnie ;-) ;-) – dobrze wiedziec…
Ech, a teraz powrot do starej rzeczywistosci, do tloku w pociagu, i rutyny praca-dom…
Fotki beda na raty pozniej, najpierw cyfrowe i pozniej po kawaleczku w miare jak bede wywolywac i skanowac klisze…
Short vacation is over, today i’m already at work, after spending 5 days in least japanese part of Japan – Okinawa.
- Tropical Climate
- Palm trees, banana trees, pinepples, shikuwasa (okinawan lime)
- 32 degrees in septeber (whereas in poland 10 :-( )
- very very nice weather (sometimes rainy but as in tropics, suddenly and short – especially when now is typhoon season)
- coconut milk from freshly cut coconut
- clear (and very salty) water
- very different people, friendly, open (they even look a bit different)
- haven’t seen any salarymen (and haven’t looked for any)…
- oldspice (there is NO stick deodorants in japan, recently i found one in costco but bad quality . In okinawa i found my favorite oldspice without any problems)
- green everywhere (mostly sugar cane)
- spacious , if you run out of it, endless ocean is just a step away
What’s interesting, because of many U.S. Army soldiers, by default every foreigner is considered American (and nobody even asks because they already assume default), when we spoke to one guy playing sanshin (okinawan shamisen) on the street, he asked me where i’m from, then he said he already knew i can’t be american because i look intelligent ;-) ;-) – good to know…
And now… back to old reality, crowded trains, daily work-home routine…
Photos will be coming in batches as i progress with developing and scanning.